Hey all as stated earlier I rolled
Orks for the random 40k event. Luckily for me that meant just one guy to paint. I decided to make a
freeboota Ork horde cause
Ork pirates are fun. They are called the
Dakka Ladz. So here is my HQ:

His names is
Grax Dakka Goldteef. And yes it says Yo Ho! on his Gob. He is "
Da Big
Kaptain" of the
Dakka Ladz and because of this he counts as
Ghazghkull. I went with a purple color scheme because i think its a good color for
ork pirates. Gave him a Gold gob because its styling. The purple is
hormagaunt purple base with
Liche Purple over it and a wash of leviathan purple. It looks better in color then with this picture. He
doesn't have a Matte Varnish yet and I think ill do that soon because he is a big pewter model.
Anyways I'm done with the first part of the event. Once we start phase 2 in Jan. I will post an update on the event. Of course as i make progress on my other projects ill post as well.
So enjoy and Take care.
very nice!
I really like the colors and I love the Yo-Ho on the front, great job!
I didnt realize how much detail was on that model until I looked at the larger version of the picture.
Purple is not a color you see often with Orks so it should make for a striking looking army when done.
nice I like the name. How did you come up with it as I was the only one to sugest anything.
well your Dak Dak idea of putting the Dakka in the name. Grax because it sounded harsh and Goldteef because there pirate Orks so theywould horde teef and being the overall boss of the ladz hed have the most goldteef. So thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for thanking.
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