Hey everyone. Thought I would post this guy up here as I finished him the other day. Basically I decided to relaunch my
Deathwing as
Pre-Heresy as I do love how the terminators were don in the artwork for it. I do also like the looks of
Pre-Heresy Dark Angels even though it is just black. I'm starting from new with new models so the Dark Angels I have already will stay post heresy in there cool green, black and bone colors. The First Model I did for the new Crusade era
Deathwing is a chaplain because the model is fantastic.

So there he is. I am happy with how he turned out overall. His Parchment loin cloth thing turned out better then I thought it would. The shoulder pads are Ironclad Dreadnought leg plates. The
Crozius arm is a
Thunderhammer arm with the hammer head removed and a dark angel bit added to the top. The
bolter is from the terminator librarian blister and the arm its attached to is a
stormshield arm. Some
greenstuff work to make the two mesh was required.
I highlighted the armor with Dark Angels green. I saw this done before and I really liked it so I tried my best with it. I kept the edging/highlighting dark. Also The pictures aren't the best. I am making an effort to clear some space and set up a mini wanna be photo booth for the miniatures. That will take some time though.
Now I know that the model has an imperial eagle on it in the back and I left it. Maybe he was given an honor by the emperor during the crusade? Who knows. Also there are 2 little crux terminatus type crosses on him. As they are not the standard Crux in look I figured these Templar type crosses would be fine to leave. And as for the combi-plasma... well they are the first legion and plasma has been seen in the novels and art work so its not unreasonable.
That is it for this guy. I really like how he looks. Instead of making my own shoulder pads I'm going to go with standard dreadnought leg plates for the rest of the army for the most part. Until next time...